All the MSMEs are offered various services and support under the single roof of the District Industries Centre. This Centre caters to Promotion of MSMEs as also Registration and Development of Industrial Cooperatives.
The General Manager is the head of the District Industries Centre. The post of General Manager is of Joint / Deputy Director Level. The General Manager is assisted by the Project Manager, Manager (Credit), Manager (Economic Investigation)/ Manger (Village Administration) and an office Superintendent A.E(Industries)and office staffs.
The functioning of DICs and their achievement is monitored by the Principal Secretary/ Industries Commissioner & Director Of Industries & Commerce. The Review of the General Managers is organized frequently to evaluate the performance and also help in resolving difficulties in implementation of different schemes.
Registration of Micro,Small and Medium Enterprises
Under MSMED Act 2006 the Entrepreneurs are registered under UAM registration through website. The above UAM is used for getting power connection, Bank Loan, Import of machineries and to get clearance /licenses from the authorities, State Government/Central Government subsidy to participate in the Government and Government undertaking Tenders, to get the working Capital loan from Banks and to export the products.
Registration of Cottage Industries Certificate
Cottage Registration certificate is issued to the entrepreneurs who are having less Capital investment and 10 HP power or less . The above certificate is used for getting power connection under power Tariff III.A and Bank loan only. Cottage Industries are the major employment provider in this District.
Registration of Handicraft Certificate
Handicraft Registration Certificate is issued to the entrepreneurs who are having artistic talent and making house made products. The certificate is used for getting Bank loan, to participate in Handicraft Exhibition , to Export Handicrafts products and to apply for concessions extended by ministry of Handicrafts. Handicrafts contribute substantially for Employment Generation among Rural people. State level awards are being issued to the best artisans in this District by the Government.
Unemployed Youth Employment Generation Programme: (UYEGP Scheme)
Tamil Nadu Government have introduced a new scheme namely, “Unemployed Youth Employment Generation Programme:” The scheme aim is mitigate the Unemployment problem of socially and economically weaker section of the society, particularly among the educated and umemployed youth to become self employed by setting enterprises by availing loan from this scheme.
- Any individual having Educational qualification 8th std. pass.
- Age : – 18 to 35 for General Category
18 to 45 for Special Category ( Women,SC/ST,MBC,BC, Minorities, Differently abled ,Ex- serviceman and Transgender - Family Income – The family income does not exceeds Rs. 1.50 lakhs
- Maximum Project Cost : 10.00 lakhs for manufacturing sector, 3.00 lakhs for service sector and1.00 lakhs for Business sector.
- Promotor’s Contribution: 10 % for General Category, 5% for Special Category.
- Subsidy : Subsidy at rate of 25% of the Project Cost will be sanctioned to the beneficiaries.
- Activities Covered: All economically viable manufacturing service and business activities excluding direct agricultural operations like raising crop etc.
Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP Scheme)
Under Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme Scheme Entrepreneurs are motivated to start new Micro Manufacturing and Service Enterprises. The maximum cost of the project/unit is admissible under manufacturing sector is Rs.25 laks. The maximum cost of the project/unit is admissible under Business/Service Sector is Rs. 10 lakhs.
- Any individual, above 18 years of age
- There will be no income ceiling for assistance for setting up projects under PMEGP.
- For setting up of project costing above Rs. 10 lakhs in the manufacturing sector and above Rs. 5 lakhs in the /Service sector.
- The beneficiaries should possess at least VIII standard pass education qualification.
- Financial Assistance – Beneficiary contribution General category is 10 %. For Special (including SC / ST /
OBC /Minorities/Women, Exservicemen, Physically handicapped, NER, Hill and Border areas etc. is 5%. - Subsidy – For Urban 25% and For Rural 35%
New Enterprise Cum Enterprise Development scheme (NEEDS)
In accordance with the G.O Ms No 49 MSME Dept dated 29.10.2012, the educated youth will be given entrepreneur training, assisted to prepare their business plans and helped to tie up with financial institutions so as to set up new Manufacturing and Service ventures. The beneficiary must be a First Generation Entrepreneur. The scheme details are as follows –
- Project Cost
- Project cost above Rs.5.00 Lakhs and not exceeding Rs.1.00 Crore.
- Entrepreneur has to meet the cost of land, Rented/Leased Building, Technical Knowhow, Preliminary & Preoperative expenses, Working Capital Margin etc from his own source of funds.
- Cost of land may be included in the project cost at Guideline Value or Market Value, prevailing as on the date of filing loan application, whichever is lower.
- Subsidy
- 25% of the Project Cost subject to a ceiling of Rs.25.00 lakhs.
- 3% Back Ended Interest Subsidy for Bank Assisted Projects / 3% Interest Subvention for TIIC Assisted Projects.
- However for projects costing more than Rs. 1.00 Crore, subsidy component will be restricted to Rs. 25.00 lakhs.
- Place of Residence
- The applicant should be a resident of Tamilnadu state for not less than 3 years.
- Age
- General category – Minimum 21 years and Maximum 35 years
- Special category – 45 years for (SC/ST/BC/MBC/Ex-servicemen/ Minorities/Transgender/Differently abled persons)
- Educational Qualification
- Degree, Diploma, ITI / Vocational training from Recognized Institutions
- Promoters Contribution
- General category entrepreneurs – 10% of the project cost
- Special category Entrepreneurs – 5% of the project cost
(SC/ST/BC/MBC/Ex-servicemen/Minorities/Transgender/Differently abled persons)
Micro, Small and Medium Industries Policy 2008 Subsidies
As per above policy, the Mission is to accelerate the Industrial Development in Tamil Nadu by maximizing investment, output, growth employment and manufacturing competitiveness through infrastructure and human resources development in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Sector.
The following incentives are being extended to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the District:-
- Subsidy schemes for micro manufacturing enterprises
- 25%Capital Subsidy
- 20% low tension power tariff subsidy for the first 36 months from the date of commencement of commercial production or from the date of power connection, whichever is later.
- Reimbursement of 100% subsidy on the net value of Value Added Tax (VAT) paid by them for the first 6 years up to the value of investment made in plant and machinery on quarterly basis.
- Stamp duty exemption on mortgaged and pledged documents.
- Subsidy schemes for Industrially Backward Blocks and Agro Based Enterprises
Micro, Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises established in 251 industrially backward blocks, all industrial estates promoted by the Government and Government Agencies like SIPCOT, SIDCO, etc., and agro based enterprises set up in all the 12 Blocks in the District are eligible for the following package of incentives
- 25% capital subsidy on the value of eligible plant and machinery subject to a maximum of Rs.30 lakh.
- 5% additional employment intensive subsidy on the value of eligible plant and machinery for providing employment to 25 workers for 3 years within the first 5 years from the date of commencement of commercial production, subject to a maximum of Rs.5 lakh.
- 5% additional capital subsidy on the value of eligible plant and Machinery for enterprises set up by women, SC/ST, differently abled and transgender entrepreneurs subject to a maximum of Rs.2 lakh.
- 25% additional capital subsidy on the value of eligible plant and machinery installed to promote cleaner and environment friendly technologies subject to a maximum of Rs.3 lakh, if certified by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board.
- 20% low tension power tariff subsidy for the first 36 months from the date of commencement of commercial production or from the date of power connection whichever is later.
- Special Capital Subsidy for Thrust Sector Enterprises
A Special Capital Subsidy of 25% on the eligible plant and machinery subject to a maximum of Rs.30 lakh is extended to 13 thrust sector enterprises setup anywhere in the District viz., Electrical and Electronic Industry, Leather and Leather goods, Auto parts and components, Drugs and Pharmaceuticals, Solar Energy Equipment, Gold and Diamond Jewelry for exports, Pollution Control equipment, Sports Goods and Accessories, Cost effective building materials, Readymade Garments, Food Processing, Plastic and Rubber Industries.
- Generator Subsidy
The Micro, Small and Medium manufacturing enterprises anywhere in the State, which purchase Generator sets up to 320 KVA capacity are eligible for a Generator Subsidy at 25% of the cost of the generator set, subject to a maximum of Rs.5 lakh.
- Back-ended Interest Subsidy
Back-ended interest subsidy at the rate of 3%, subject to a maximum of Rs.10.00 lakh for a period of 5 years is being provided to Micro, Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises for term loans up to Rs.1 crore obtained for Technology up-gradation / modernization and Credit Guarantee Fund Trust Scheme (CGFTS).
- Value Added Tax Reimbursement Subsidy
All micro manufacturing enterprises are entitled to reimbursement of 100% subsidy on the net Value of Value Added Tax paid by them for the first 6 years from the date of commencement of production, up to the value of the investments made in eligible Plant and Machinery on quarterly basis
Tamil Nadu Government appointed the General Manager, District Industries Centre, as the appropriate authority in respect of Pudukkottai District for the implementation Quality Control Order in respect of Electrical Wires, Cables, appliances and protection devices and accessories .
Under this scheme the Electrical products manufacturers Dealers, and retailers are being advised not to sell Electrical appliances and cable without having BIS Mark. The Electrical products without BIS Mark are being seized and initiated action through Court.
Single Window Committee Meeting
The Micro , Small , Medium and Large Enterprises to be set up in Pudukkottai District are being helped to get Licenses/clearances from the following Government Departments. Viz
Town and Country Planning, Pollution Control Board, Inspector of Factories, Divisional Fire Office, The Deputy Director ( Health Services) and local Bodies besides getting power from TANGEDCO under Single Window System
The Committee headed by the respectable District Collector with General Manager,District Industries Centre as convener.
Amma Skill Training and Employment Scheme
The objective of the scheme is to fulfil the skilled manpower requirement of MSMEs by imparting necessary on the job training by the MSMEs themselves and thereby creating employment. The scheme will assist the MSME sector by sharing the training cost which otherwise would be borne by the enterprises themselves
In the above scheme candidates between the age of 18 to 25 and having B.E., B.Tech, Diploma and ITI qualifications are eligible to impart training with a stipend of Rs. 5000/- per month. Necessary training certificate will be issued by the national skill development corporation on completion of the training.
11. Motivation campaign
Motivation campaign are being conducted every month in all the panchayat unions and block level areas of this district. The activities of this office about the schemes and subsides given to the entrepreneurs by the Government are explained to them.
Export promotion cell
Export promotion cell is being functioning in this office to give guidance to the new export oriented units to be started in this district.
Realizing the need to save energy, the Government have issued orders duly sanctioned for a special scheme for promoting energy efficiency in MSME units. The subsidy amount is 50% of the energy audit cost subject to a maximum of 75000/- for energy audit per unit and 25% cost of the eligible components to maximum of Rs. 200000/- only.
Contact Details
General Manager
District Industries Centre