

Infrastructure Facilities

State Seed Farm (SSF), Annapannai

The Objective of the State Seed Farm is to multiply the breeder seeds and foundation seeds and distribute them for the further mass multiplication of these seeds as certified seeds at farmers field as a part of Seed Multiplication scheme. Paddy, Pulses and Oilseeds crops are major part of the Seed production programmes in SSF.

Pulses Seed Multiplication Farm (PSMF), Vamban

The Objective of the State Seed Farm is to multiply the breeder seeds and foundation seeds and distribute them for the further mass multiplication of these seeds as certified seeds at farmers field as a part of Seed Multiplication scheme. Redgram, Blackgram, Cowpea, Groundnut, Horsegram, etc., are major part of the Seed production programmes in PSMF, Vamban.

SOSF, Vellalaviduthy

The Objective of the Farm is to multiply the breeder seeds and foundation seeds and distribute them for the further mass multiplication of these seeds as certified seeds at farmers field as a part of Seed Multiplication scheme. Oilseeds, Groundnut, Gingelly, Pulses etc., are major part of the Seed production programmes in SOSF, Vellalaviduthy.

State Coconut Nursery, Vellalviduthy

The Objective of the Coconut Nursery is to produce and distribute good quality Tall, and Tall X Dwarf coconut seedlings to the farmers of Pudukkottai district. Every year 40000 Tall nuts procured with the production of 30000 seedlings for distribution.


Different schemes are being implemented in our district to disseminate the advanced technologies for increasing productivity and production in all agricultural crops.

Scheme Benefit Eligibility of the Scheme Contact Person
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY)
Per Drop: More Crop – Micro Irrigation Scheme
100% Subsidy to SF/MF farmer
75% Subsidy to other farmers
Assistance will be limited for SF /MF : 2 Ha.
for others : 5 Ha.
Target for 2018-19: 2000 Ha.
  • Drip and Sprinkler for all eligible Agricultural Crops
  • The Beneficiary Possessing the land document in his own name
  • All the farmer possess proper registered lease document for a period of 7 years
At Village Level
Assistant Agricultural Officer
At Block Level
Assistant Director of Agriculture
Agricultural Officer / Dy Agricultural Officer
District Level
Joint Director of Agriculture
Mission on Sustainable Dryland Agriculture (MSDA)
Second Phase : 8 clusters (8200 Ha.)
Formation of Farmers club at village panchayat level
A sum of Rs.10000/- will be released to each farmers club
at Village level to conduct meetings and registration
Farmers in the designated dryland clusters are eligible to avail the scheme At Village Level
Assistant Agricultural Officer
At Block Level
Assistant Director of Agriculture
Agricultural Officer / Dy Agricultural Officer
District Level
Joint Director of Agriculture
Mission on Sustainable Dryland Agriculture (MSDA)
Second Phase : 8 clusters (8200 Ha.)
Entry Point Activities (EPA)
To motivate and encourage farmers to involve in the mission entry point activities like farm ponds, Contour bunds. Formation will be done based on CDT finalization and amount of Rs.5.00 lakhs per cluster will be given. The dryland selected should have been cultivated alteast in one season of the three previous years. At Village Level
Assistant Agricultural Officer
At Block Level
Assistant Director of Agriculture
Agricultural Officer / Dy Agricultural Officer
District Level
Joint Director of Agriculture
Mission on Sustainable Dryland Agriculture (MSDA)
Second Phase : 8 clusters (8200 Ha.)
Agronomic interventions
For the promotion of dryland crops through cropping system funds will be made available at 50% subsidy for seeds, Bio fertilizers and MN mixture distribution by dovetailing various scheme implemented by Agricultural Department
Institutional Strengthening
Support for value addition
Each cluster would be assisted with Rs.4.00 lakhs for purchase of Mini Dhall Mill, Oil expellers, Millet processing unit based on need
Institutional Strengthening
Strengthening farmers producers organization / Farmers club
Setting up of Micro enterprises to strengthen FPO / Farmers club like Dhall processors. Oil expellers and Millet processing unit for which an amount of Rs.6.00 lakhs will be made available
Institutional Strengthening
Creation of Custom Hiring Centres
In order to encourage unemployed rural youth in cluster area, it is proposed to create custom hiring centres to make available farm machinery and equipment. For which 80% subsidy (or) maximum Rs.8.00 lakhs would be made available.
Seed Multiplication Programme through TANSEDA (Tamilnadu Seed development Agency) for Paddy, Millets, Pulses, Oilseeds For Farmers those who are involved in Seed multiplication programme through seed farms will be given premium along with procurement price
Foundation seed Procurement price + 75%
Certified Seed Procurement Price+45%
Foundation seed
Procurement price + 100%
Certified Seed / TFL Procurement Price+45%
Foundation seedProcurement price + 35%
Certified Seed Procurement Price+30%
Oil seeds
Foundation seed Procurement price + 25%
Certified Seed Procurement Price+20%
  • Small, Marginal & Other farmers in the district
  • Amma Farm Women Group
  • Farmers Producer Group
  • Distribution of Seeds for Seed Farms through Block Agricultural Extension Centres
  • Registration in Seed certification department with certification fee
  • Production of FR Seeds
    Procurement based on Seed certification procedures
  • Processing of Seeds in seed processing unit (SPU)
  • Tagging of Seeds
  • Distribution of Tagged seeds to the farmers
  • Advance Payment of money to the farmers in the Government MSP (Minimum Support Price – for Paddy 90%, Pulses & Oil seeds 80%
At Village Level
Assistant Agricultural Officer
At Block Level
Assistant Seed officer / Deputy Agricultural Officer
Asst. Director of Agriculture (AGM – TANSEDA)
District Level
Joint Director of Agriculture(GM – TANSEDA)