
State Agricultural Extension Management Institute (STAMIN)

State Agricultural Extension Management Institute (STAMIN) dates back to mid 70’s for its origin, Started in 1975 as a centre to impart training to new entrants of Agricultural Extension Service.

The second phase World Bank Project “The Tamil Nadu Agricultural Development  Project” has raised the status to Management Institute, fulfilling the long felt need of the department to bring the senior and middle level officers of the department also under the fold of “ Quality Improvement Programme in Managerial Abilities “. The prime objective of this institute to impart training to extension officers so as to disseminate the technology to farmers to get increased yield and profit through crop husbandry.

STAMIN  aims to train the Extensional personnel and Office Staff of the department of Agriculture so as to equip them with up to date technology development under  Agriculture, Extension, Administration, Management  and Computer  operations  and  to execute the extension skills in the field in a better way and also improve administrative ability of the staff in a better way.

From 2007-08 to 2019-2020, 19620 technical officers and Office Staff of this department were trained at STAMIN on various topics as elucidated above.

During 2020-21, 653 technical Officers and administrative staff (Offline training for 193 Officials and Online training for 460 officials) were trained at STAMIN on various topics as elucidated below at the cost of Rs.10.47 lakhs. During 2021-22 so for 176 Officials were benefited from the training.

State Agricultural Extension Institute – 2020-21- Training Details
Sl. No Training Topic No. of Batches No. of Participants
1 Office Administration 4 133
2 Integrated Farming System 2 60
3 Quality Seed production * 1 60
4 Improved Technologies for Pest and Disease Management for important Agricultural Crops * 1 200
5 Balanced Nutrition for increasing the yield of crops * 1 200
Total 9 653

*Training conducted online due to COVID – 19

State Agricultural Extension Management Institute-2021-22(Up to 21.09.2021)-Training Details
Sl. No Training Topic No. of Batches No. of Participants
1 Biological Control of Pest and Disease Management 3 90
2 Pest and Disease Management in major field crops 3 90
3 Strategies for development of fallow land 3 90
4 Organic Farming and Organic Certification 3 88
5 Integrated Farming System 1 42
Total 13 400