
Ex-servicemen’s Welfare Office

Office of the Assistant Director of Ex-servicemen’s Welfare is responsible for the Welfare and uplift of the Ex-servicemen and their families in Pudukkottai District. This office is functioning under the Directorate of Ex-servicemen’s Welfare,    Chennai-3   which comes under the Administrative control of Public (Ex-servicemen) Department, Secretariat   Chennai-9.  The Deputy Secretary to Government Public (Ex-servicemen) Department is the Director of this Department. Various schemes and Assistance to the Ex-servicemen and their families are being implemented through this office as follows.


Sl. No Nature of Assistance Amount(Rs.)
1 Lifetime Grant to World War Veterans Rs. 10,000/-p.m
2 Lifetime Grant to Widows of World War Veterans Rs. 4,000/-p.m
3 To Orphan Children of Ex-Servicemen Actual Educational Expenses
4 To dependents of Ex-Servicemen/Serving Solider who complete the course in the Tailoring Units run by the Department Free Sewing Machines
5 To Trainees in the Tailoring Units run by the Department Stipend of Rs. 50/-Per day Rs. 1000/- for Raw Materials
6 Ex-Servicemen who are suffering from T.B / Leprosy / Cancer and undergoing in-patient treatment in the T.B Sanatorium / Leprosarium / Cancer institute approved by the Government of Tamil Nadu as well as in the Government General Hospitals / Rehabilitation Homes. Pocket Money of Rs .50/- per day
7 To T.B. / Leprosy patients of the Sanatorium to visit their homes periodically, i.e., once in a year. Transport charges
8 Grant towards the purchase of artificial dentures spectacles and hearing aid apparatus, artificial limbs, surgical boots / Jackets / crutches or other appliances as recommended by the specialists Upto a maximum of Rs. 4000/-
9 To those undergoing training at Queen Mary’s Technical institute for disabled soldiers at Kirkee, Pune Stipend of Rs. 900/- p.m
10 Lifetime Grant to Totally Blind, provided they are not in receipt of any assistance from other sources Rs. 7,000/- p.m
11 Lifetime Grant to those affected by Leprosy Rs. 5,000/- p.m
12 Lifetime Grant to Cancer patients Rs. 7,000/- p.m
13 Lifetime Grant to Paraplegic Rs. 7,000/- p.m
14 Lifetime Grant to Tuberculosis patients Rs. 5,000/- p.m
15 Lifetime Grant to differently abled to Ex-servicemen and their Dependents Rs. 5,000/- p.m
16 Grant for major surgeries, such as kidney Transplantation or Open Heart Surgery to Non-Pensioner Ex-Servicemen Rs. 50,000/-
17 Lifetime Grant to Mentally Retarded Children Rs. 7,000/- p.m
18 Lifetime Grant to Mentally Challenged wife / widow Rs. 7,000/- p.m
19 Lifetime Grant to the Children of Ex-Servicemen who are affected by Cancer, Paraplegic and Totally Blind Rs. 7,000/- p.m
20. Lifetime Grant to the children of Ex-servicemen who are affected by Tuberculosis and leprosy Rs. 5,000/- p.m
21. Marriage Grant to two daughters of ESM Rs. 25,000/- (One Time Grant)
22. Life time monthly Grant to old and infirm Non pensioner ESM/Widows above 60yrs Rs.  4,000/- p.m
23. Grant for alleviation of distress due to fire, flood civil riots, accidental death and other natural calamities Upto a maximum of Rs. 15,000/-
24. To the war widows /  war disabled and to the recipients of Chakra series and to the widows who are in receipt of Defence family pension. Reimbursement of House Tax
25. Gift articles to Leprosy patients on the eve of Deepavali festival Worth Rs. 2,500/-
26. Grant for meeting Funeral expenses of Ex-servicemen Rs. 10,000/- (One Time Grant)
27. Grant for meeting Funeral expenses of widows of Ex-Servicemen Rs. 7,000/-(One Time Grant)
28. Lifetime grant to Dwarf children of Ex-servicemen Rs. 5,000/-
29. Housing Loan grant for Purchase / Construction of New House for Ex-servicemen and Widows (This must be the first house of the applicant.) Rs. 1,00,000/-(One Time Grant)
30. Technical grant to Ex-Servicemen, Widows and their wards who undergo Training and pass the Exam conducted by DOTE Typewriting Lower Rs. 3,000
Typewriting Higher Rs. 5,000
Shorthand Lower Rs. 7,000
Shorthand Higher Rs. 10,000
31. Reimbursement of Expenditure on Recruitment Rallies to District Administration Rs. 6,00,000/- per rally Maximum 5 Rallies




  • Marriage Grant of Rs.1,00,000/- and 8 gms Gold Coin for making Thirumangalyam to the daughters of Defence Personnel killed or disabled in action with disabilities 50% and above. Similarly, Rs.50,000/- and 8 gms Gold Coin for making Thirumangalyam whose disability is less than 50%.
  • Annual Maintenance Grant of Rs.25,000/- to the next of kin of Defence Personnel killed and to the Personnel disabled in war / war – like operations for life time.
  • Housing Grant of Rs.50,000/- to widows of Defence Personnel killed and to the personnel disabled in action in all conflicts after Independence.(One Time).
  • Ex-Gratia of Rs.1,00,000/- to the War Widows / Next of kin of Battle Casualties and Rs.50,000/- to the Defence Personnel disabled in action.


  • Reimbursement of 75% of interest on Bank Loans, upto a maximum of Rs.10.00lakhs, for self employment ventures.
  • Reimbursement of 100% of interest on Bank Loans, upto a maximum of Rs.15.00 lakhs availed by Self Help Groups of Ex-servicemen and their widows, for self employment activities.
  • Subsidy of 25%, subject to a maximum of Rs.50,000/- on the cost of Industrial Shed / Plot for venture in Industrial activities.


  • Ex-Servicemen Children Literacy Improvement grant(ECLIG) to the wards of Ex-servicemen ranging from Rs.500/- to Rs.10,000/-per student per annum from 1ststd to Post Graduate level(Academic Courses).
  • ECLIG of 25,000/- p.a to all Technical / Professional / Vocational Degree and Post Graduate Courses to Wards of Ex-servicemen.
  • ECLIG of 20,000/- p.a to all Diploma Courses in Polytechnic towards of Ex-servicemen.
  • ECLIG of 10,000/- p.a to all ITI / Certificate Courses approved by Government to Wards of Ex-servicemen.
  • Lumpsum Grant of Rs.25,000/- to Rs.1,00,000/- paid to children of Ex-servicemen joining Armed Forces.


  • Financial Assistance of Rs.4,000/- p.m to Old infirm Ex-Servicemen, above 65 yrs of age.
  • Children education grant
    • 1000/-p.m.for boys / girlsupto graduation and Widows upto post graduate level.
    • Officers Cadets grant of Rs.1000/-p.m to the children of Ex-servicemen those who join NDA for the duration of the training.
    • 1,000/- p.m for disabled children of Ex-servicemen.
  • Financial Assistance of Rs.20,000/- towards House Repairs to Ex-Servicemen / Widows in Penury, 100% disabled Ex-Servicemen and orphan daughter of Ex-Servicemen of all ranks.
  • Marriage Grant of Rs.50,000/-to two daughters of Ex-Servicemen / widows.
  • Re-Marriage Grant Rs.50,000/- to the widows of Ex-Servicemen.
  • Financial assistance upto Rs.30,000/- to the Ex-Servicemen towards Medical reimbursement to non-ECHS members.
  • Funeral Grant of Rs.5,000/- to the widows towards funeral expenses of Ex-Servicemen.
  • Assistance of Rs.1,000/- p.m to orphan daughter(upto marriage) and one son of (upto 21 yrs) Ex-Servicemen.
  • Vocational Training grant of Rs.20,000/-(one time) to Widows of Ex-Servicemen.
  • Prime Minister’s Merit Scholarship Scheme for wards of Ex-Servicemen (below officer Rank) who join professional degree courses.
    • 2,500/-p.m for boys,
    • 3,000/- p.m for girls.


  • Activities of RSB and ZSB are covered under Tamil Nadu Ex-Services Personnel Benevolent Fund and Amalgamated Fund.


Scheme *Reimbursement of 75% of interest on loans availed for self-employment and education
Eligibility Ex-Servicemen / Widows (Age no bar)
Max.Loan Amount No Ceiling
Interest Subsidy upto Rs.10.00 lakhs of Bank Loan amount
Concession from Amalgamated Fund

* To apply before availing Bank Loan.
*Quarterly reimbursement on production of repayment Certificate from Bank.

Contact Details
Assistant Director of Ex-Servicemen’s Welfare, Kalyanaramapuram 1st street
Pudukkottai -622 002 Phone: 04322-236593