
District Social Welfare Office

animated new gif Sexual Harassments of women at work place Act

The implementation of the schemes of the welfare of women, children, senior citizens and third gender is done by Social Welfare and Nutritious Meal Programme Department through the Directorate of Social Welfare, The District Social Welfare Office implements welfare schemes like Marriage Assistance Schemes, Girl Child Protection Scheme, Nutritious Meals and four sets of uniforms to the school children. Training and self-employment of women Tailoring Industrial Co-operative Societies. The welfare of the third gender and the weak, abandoned and desperate Senior Citizens are also given care and protection by implementing various welfare schemes. welfare and protection of children, women and senior citizens. These include, the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961, Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956, Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015, Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006, Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007.

Schemes for Poor and marginal sections of the community – Marriage Assistance Schemes

Moovalur Ramamirtham Ammaiyar Ninaivu Marrige Assistance Scheme for Poor women

Under this scheme poor parents can apply 40 days or one day advance from the date of marriage in respective CSC Centers.


  • Daughter of poor parents should studied up to 10th standard pass or fail, for ST up to 5th standard Rs.25000/= through ECS and 8 Grams of Gold.
  • For Degree and Diploma Rs.50000/= through ECS and 8 Grams of Gold.

Documents Required

  1. Age Proof 18 Years should be completed at the time of marriage for the bride, 21 Years for bridegroom.
  2. Income Certificate – Annual income Rs.72000/= or below.
  3. Nativity Certificate
  4. Nativity Certificate
  5. Bride educational qualification certificate ( TC and Mark sheet )
  6. Marriage Invitation
  7. Family card Xerox.
  8. Aadhaar Card

E.V.R.Maniammaiyar Ninaivu Poor Widow Daughter marriage assistance scheme

Under this scheme poor widow can apply 40 days or one day advance from the date of marriage in Common Service Centre


  • No educational qualification required to get benefit under Scheme – I Rs.25000/= Through ECS and 8 Grams of Gold.
  • For Degree and Diploma Rs.50000/= through ECS and 8 Grams of Gold.

Documents Required

  1. Age Proof 18 Years should be completed at the time of marriage for the bride 21 for bridegroom.
  2. No income limit.
  3. Nativity Certificate
  4. Community Certificate
  5. Bride educational qualification certificate ( TC and Mark sheet )
  6. Marriage Invitation
  7. Family card Xerox.
  8. Widow certificate issued by Tahsildar.
  9. Aadhaar Card.

Annai Therasa Ninaivu Orphan Girl marriage assistance Scheme

Under this scheme orphan girl can apply 40 days or one day advance from the date of marriage in respective Common Service Centre


  • No educational qualification required for Rs.25000/= through ECS and 8 Grams of Gold.
  • For Degree and Diploma Rs.50000/= through ECS and 8 Grams of Gold.

Documents Required

  1. Age Proof – 18 Years should be completed at the time of marriage for the bride 21 for bridegroom.
  2. No income limit.
  3. Nativity Certificate
  4. Community Certificate
  5. Bride educational qualification certificate ( TC and Mark sheet )
  6. Marriage Invitation
  7. Family card Xerox
  8. Destitute girl certificate issued by Tahsildar or Local MLA Or Local MP
  9. Aadhaar Card

Dr.Dharmambal Ammaiyar Ninaivu Widow remarriage assistance Scheme

Under this scheme widow who got remarried can apply within six months from the date of marriage at Common Service Centre provided widow should complete 20 years of age at the time of remarriage.


  • No educational qualification required.Rs.25000/= through ECS and 8 Grams of Gold.
  • For Degree and Diploma Rs.50000/= through ECS and 8 Grams of Gold.

Documents Required

  1. Age Proof of Bride Groom should below 40 Years at the time of remarriage
  2. Death Certificate of 1st husband
  3. 1st Marriage Invitation and 2nd Marriage Invitation
  4. Widow certificate issued by the Tahsildar
  5. Nativity Certificate
  6. Community Certificate
  7. Bride educational qualification certificate ( TC and Mark sheet )
  8. Family card Xerox
  9. 1st marriage certificate of bride groom
  10. No income limit

Dr.Muthulakshmi Ammaiyar Ninaivu Intercaste Marriage Assistance Scheme

In order to remove caste barrier in the society this scheme has been implemented. Inter caste married Couple can apply within two years from the inter caste marriage at Common Service Centre provided one of the couple should belong to ( SC/ST) and other should belong to (BC/FC).


  • No educational qualification required for Rs.25000/= ECS and 8 Grams of Gold
  • For Degree and Diploma Rs.50000/= ECS and 8 Grams of Gold

Documents Required

  1. Age Proof of Bride and Bride Groom
  2. Marriage registration certificate
  3. Community Certificate
  4. Bride educational qualification certificate ( TC and Mark sheet )
  5. No income limit

Chief Minister’s Girl Child Protection Scheme

Scheme – I

The family who are having only one girl child along with sterilization done by one of the parent without male issue will get benefit under scheme I. Rs. 50000 is deposited on this girl child by Government.

Scheme – II

The family who are having two girl children along with sterilization done by one of the parent without male issue will get benefit under scheme II. Rs. 25000 is deposited on each girl child by Government.

Scheme – III

The family who are having one girl child during first delivery twin girl children in the second delivery along with sterilization done by one of the parent without male issue will get benefit under scheme III. Rs. 25000 is deposited on each girl child by Government.

Documents Required

  1. Birth Certificate ( At the time of apply the 2nd child should be below 3 years)
  2. Income Certificate ( Not exceed Rs.72000/-)
  3. Nativity Certificate
  4. Community Certificate
  5. Sterilization Certificate (done below 35 Years)
  6. Family Card
  7. No male child Certificate
  8. Family Photo
  9. Aadhaar Card
  10. Mother Age & Father Age


In Medical examination identified as a third gender to issue a identity cards. To Help poor third gender above 40 years Rs.1000 Per month as a pension through Revenue Department. To formulated and implement the welfare schemes for giving social and economic support to the third gender.


In Pudukkottai District provide safe accommodation facilities to the working women who live for away from their families, belonging to lower and middle –income groups. Providing safe accommodation, food and electricity charges on dividing basis. A sum of Rs. 200 Per month is collected as rent form the inmate.


To protection of women form Domestic violence act 2005 to prevent violence in families and to provide a peaceful and secure physical and mental space where in a women would be in a position to take free and decision also provided Legal facilities, counseling and protection orders. From designated courts. The women victims of domestic violence benefit is intended.
In dowry prohibition act 1961 to Provide protection to women who have been affected by any form of dowry by investigation into the cases. And filing cases under the act and to seek remedies.


To provide food, shelter, medical care and recreational facilities to the Destitute senior citizens of age 60 year and above. The NGO registered under societies Act/Trust Act/ Company Act etc and running Old age Homes for Senior Citizens.


Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007. To provide for more effective provisions for the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens guaranteed and recognized under the Constitution and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
Protection of life and property of the parents and senior citizens by Constitution of Tribunal
Appointing District Social Welfare Officers as Maintenance and Conciliation Officers.
Enforcement of Tribunal orders relating to Maintenance allowance
Establishment of Old Age Homes.


Cradle Baby Scheme is launched in Pudukkottai District in 2002 (13.04.2002) with a view to eradicating female infanticide. The cradle baby centre is located in Government Head Quarter Hospital premises.

Contact Details

Level Officer Phone No
District District Social Welfare Officer 04322- 222270
Annavasal Block Extension Officer (Social Welfare) 04339-230622
Aranthangi Block Extension Officer (Social Welfare) 04371-220538
Arimalam Block Extension Officer (Social Welfare) 04333-271223
Avudyarkovil Block Extension Officer (Social Welfare) 04371-233323
Gandarvakottai Block Extension Officer (Social Welfare) 04322-275728
Karambakkudi Block Extension Officer (Social Welfare) 04322-255226
Kunnandarkovil Block Extension Officer (Social Welfare) 04339-246251
Manamelkudi Block Extension Officer (Social Welfare) 04371-250390
Ponnmaravathi Block Extension Officer (Social Welfare) 04333-262070
Pudukkottai Block Extension Officer (Social Welfare) 04322-221805
Thiruvarankulam Block Extension Officer (Social Welfare) 04322-242281
Thirumayam Block Extension Officer (Social Welfare) 04333-274227
Viralimalai Block Extension Officer (Social Welfare) 04339-220224